University of Yaoundé I

African Health and Nutrition Initiative Encyclopaedia.
Jan 30 2003 - March 25 2024
IMG_1039 (2) C

Project description

We have known for ages that foods determine the moods of humans. Equally we also know that they nourish the ailing body. We also know that foods are therapeutic and so man has developed ingenious ways to harness and preserve these. Humans have determine with care what the nutrient contents are and made these available in the wealthier nations. Africa is home to a myriad of plant and animal sources of nutrients unknown to other worlds - some edible and therapeutic, others obnoxious and harmful under normal or certain medical conditions, yet this knowledge resides with the aging generation who because their off-springs have gone urban or for greener pastures, no longer can take on these oral connaissance to the next post dot-com generations. 

In the light of these observations, a group of biochemists, nutritionist and project developers (Prof. SIMO David, Prof MBACHAM Wilfred, Prof. FOKOU Elie, Prof. KANSCI Germain, Dr. ACHU Mercy B. LOH, Mr TEBE Michael ABASI, Ms Ruth Jordan, Dr TSAFACK T. Julie Judith, Mme Olivia Forbid Acha-Morfaw), rallied around the DAW Zentrum in Yaoundé in a free and light spirited manner to give birth to a Nutrition platform - AHNIPEDIA or the African Health and Nutrition Initiative Encyclopaedia. Built on mutual trust and the desire to promote this concept, the group of 9 volunteers meet every Tuesday for one hour to coalesce ideas on how to forge new insights out of rubble. 


AHNIPEDIA would provide a platform with the possibility that others too can contribute to the wealth of knowledge towards an encyclopedia of nutrition. The searchable web portal will provide details of each added composition of plant and animal origin in any African dish, the methods of preparation, the mineral composition, the fibre and ash content etc., including the contraindications and health benefits. The database would be made relational with many layers of details as per demand. Each contributor would be acknowledged and cited through a system that allows login detail fingerprinting onto the main text.


 The AHINIPEDIA set 7 objectives which are: 1/. To produce Monographs on Foods consumed in Cameroon, 2/. To provide information on the biochemical Food Composition, 3/. To address the Health Allegations and investigate their correctness, 4/. To survey on the Food Seeking Behaviours of the populations, 5/. To establish ways for the Transformation and Preservation of foods, 6/. To be a transparent consortium through good governance and administration, 7/. To adequately communicate to the public. The activities were regrouped into work packages and training and laboratory investigations as well as the survey on ethno-botany of the herbs and foods used to do the African dishes have been described.

The Institutions - Universities

Administration - DAW Centre, Cameroon (Prof Simo David-General Supervision, Ruth Jordan-Admin)

Germany - Neu Rhine Universitaat

Cameroon - University of Yaoundé I

  • Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Arts, Letters and social sciences
  • Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences
  • Department of Physiological and Pharmacological Sciences, Faculty of Medicine
  • Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Sciences
  • The Biotechnology Centre, University of Yaoundé I

Capacity Development

  • Strengthening of Research Cooperation between Germany and Cameroon
  • Strengthening of Curricula and Teaching in the Food Sciences - Food Safety, Ethno-Sociology, Nutritional Biochemistry and Toxicology
  • Establishment of a Reference Portal and Clearing House of Information on African Foods

B - Module 3 - Summer Institute for Food Sciences

Faculty - Members

  • Alumni - DAAD, Universities etc.
    • Akindeh Nji - International Health and Biostats
    • Tange Emmanuel - Food Sciences
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  • Other Scientists - Cameroon
    • Wilfred Mbacham - Public Health Biotech & Food Safety
    • Prof Sopca Antoine
    • Prof Fokou Elie
    • Prof Moundipa
  • German Scientists
    • Prof Gebauer


  • Masters /PhD - Students - 20 students
    • Nutritional Biochemistry
    • Food Safety and Public Health Biotechnology
    • Students of Agriculture & Health Sciences
    • Young Researchers in related Research Institutes in Cameroon

Course content - Equivalent of 12 credits - Duration - 10 working days 

  • Course 1 - Emergent Infections and Zoonosis - 12H
  • Course 2 - Toxicology and Environmental Allergology - 12H
  • Course 3 - Methods in Food Analysis and Safety - 12H
  • Course 4 - Regulations and Safety Management - 06H
  • Course 5 - Ethnography and the African Social Milieu - 06H

Course 6 - Knowledge Translation & Exchange -12H

Project team member

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