University of Yaoundé I

Master's and doctoral research symposia
Report written by Dr Constantin Sonkwé Tayim
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Project description

As part of its support for the Faculty of Human Sciences at the University of Yaoundé I, the DAW Center has organized a number of interdisciplinary doctoral colloquia in cooperation with the Faculty. Colloquia have been organized on the comparative method in the humanities, on the meaning and role of the humanities, and on the media and cultural globalization.

  • Guests

To support teaching and cooperation between Cameroonian universities and those abroad, the DAW Center has acted as partner and host to a number of international scientists who have led seminars, conferences and lectures. Among those invited by the DAW Center were:

- Dr. Nadine Golly from the University of Lüneburg was a guest at the DAW_Zentrum on March 8, 2013, where she gave a lecture on "The scholarly and cultural traditions and intervention of black Germans in (post-) colonial Germany". The target audience was students from the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Yaoundé I.

-Prof. Dr. Ute Fendler from the University of Bayreuth gave a lecture on Intermediality and Transmediality on January 16, 2013 at the invitation of the Goethe Institute Yaoundé. The event, which took place at the DAW Center, was attended by doctoral and master's students from Yaoundé's Faculty of Humanities.

- Professor Samba M'boup of TMALI (Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute) in South Africa was the guest of the DAW Center on May 3, 2013. He spoke to students from the Faculty of Humanities on the theme of the conditions, issues and challenges of the African renaissance as an alternative paradigm for the production and use of knowledge.

- Professor Regine Schleicher, a cultural studies specialist from the University of Frankfurt am Main, arrived in Yaoundé on March 15, 2014. As part of the partnership between her Frankfurt institute and the DAW center, she stayed in Yaoundé for three weeks, teaching in the German department and the doctoral school of the Faculty of Humanities.

- Professor Frank Proske, a mathematician from the University of Oslo, worked from March 8 to June 14, 2013 as a visiting scientist at the DAW Center. Prof. Proske has been mentoring Cameroonian PhD students in mathematics for several years in partnership with Cameroonian colleagues. In particular, he has collaborated with Prof. Mama Foupouagnigni, who heads a Mathematics laboratory housed at the DAW Center.

- Professor Mulo Farenkia from the University of Cape Breton in Canada visited on May 24, 2013 for a lecture on linguistic pragmatics. After his lecture, he spoke with students from the German department at the University of Yaoundé I.

- Over the past two years, Professor Claudia Riemer from the University of Bielefeld has visited the University of Yaoundé I on several occasions as part of a partnership agreement between the two universities. Prof. Riemer has led seminars on the methodology and didactics of the German language and third-language acquisition. Participants were both teachers and students from the German department at the University of Yaoundé I.

- Pr Isabelle Kalinowski, a Max Weber specialist and head of the "Pays Germaniques" research group at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris, was a guest at the University of Yaoundé I from April 19 to 24, 2014. Prof. Kalinowski's visit, invited by Prof. Simo, was part of the DAW Center's support for the doctoral schools of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Yaoundé I. Among other topics, Prof. Kalinowski taught on Max Weber and the reception of African art.

  • Publications

- In October 2013, the DAW center published, the second issue of its newsletter, which informs about the center's past, present and future activities.

- The book Migration issues in a globalized world with the results of the first phase of the Alumni-Denkfabrik project was published in 2014.

- In 2015, under the direction of Professor Simo, the DAW Centre published the book Intercultural hermeneutic practicesA posthumous tribute to the late Professor Alioune Sow, a former member of the DAW Centre's Scientific Advisory Board.

- In 2017, Leipzig University Press published the Festschrift for Professor Simo, under the theme Postcolonial Perspectives: Considerations of Interculturality in Literature, Film and Languageunder the direction, among others, of Constantin Sonkwé Tayim, Project Manager at the DAW Centre.

Further information on the center, its partners, projects and operations is available on the home page:

Report written by Dr Constantin Sonkwé Tayim

Project team member

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