University of Yaoundé I

Alumni Denkfabrik 2015

Project description

  1. Presentation

At the last two seminars organized in 2014 as part of theAlumni Denkfabrik the participants clearly demonstrated that urbanity is one of the greatest challenges facing modern Africa (for the report on these seminars, please consult our website These seminars identified a number of areas where these challenges are manifesting themselves. Among these sectors, 3 were identified to serve as a framework for the development of a practical approach to the problems of urbanity: the market in the city, urbanity and problems of living together and city and problems of hygiene and health.

  1. Objective

By focusing on these 3 sectors, theAlumni Denkfabrik 2015 aims to 1) take stock of the situation, 2) devise solutions to the problems identified, and 3) develop a model that can be recommended to decision-makers in communal units.

  1. Method

To achieve this, a 6-step process has been outlined:

- Set up pools of experts to take charge of each sector,

- organize a seminar to define the terms of reference on which these pools of experts will work,

- organize workshop sessions for these pools of experts to draw up the necessary documents,

- organize a seminar to validate these documents,

- transcribe these documents into audio-visual and/or printed media to facilitate the perception of problems and solution models by decision-makers and city dwellers, and finally

- make these materials available to interested parties (CVUC)


  1. Setting up a pool of experts

4.1 Pool of market experts in the city

ChairmanFombe Lawrence Fon, geographer (Buéa)


  • Mbea Mbea, Political scientist, Douala urban community
  • Aline Leonie Chouapi, Political scientist (Douala)
  • Mougoué, geographer, (director of the professional master's degree in urban management at the University of Yaoundé I)
  • Sipliant Takougang, urban planner
  • Théophile Owona

4.2 Expert pool: urbanity and problems of living together

ChairmanAlbert Gouaffo, Germanist (Dschang)


  • Gratien Atindogbe Linguist (Buea)
  • Constantin Sonkwe Tayim, Germanist (Yaoundé)
  • Andoh Cletus Tandoh (Douala)
  • Ndong Ignatus, CATUC Cooperation Officer (Bamenda)
  • Antoine Socpa, anthropologist (University of Yaoundé I)

4.3 Expert pool: cities and health and hygiene issues

ChairmanLéopold G. Lehman, biologist (University of Douala)


  • Hervé Azemtsa, environmentalist (Douala)
  • Alain Dongmo, physiologist (University of Douala)
  • Kouam Fogue, Yaoundé
  • Dr Abel Teyang, Neurologist (Yaoundé)
  • Dr Obiombok, (Maroua)
  • Dr Fezeu (Yaounde)

Project team member

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