University of Yaoundé I

DAAD information days and workshops
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Project description

Every year, the DAAD organizes a number of events to provide information about studying in Germany. Some of these events were held at the DAW Center, notably in 2013 and 2014. In addition to DAAD, the Humboldt, Volkswagen, Bayer, Thyssen and Friedrich Ebert Foundations also took part in the "Doing Research in Germany" 2014 event, held at the DAW Centre. The Universities of Bremen and Frankfurt am Main were each represented by Professors Regina Schleicher and Köhler. In addition, from June 18 to 22, 2013, the DAAD-funded CANTAM network (Central African Network on Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and Malaria) brought together researchers from the Central African region and Europe. The aim of the conference was to take stock of the network's four years of existence. It also included a presentation of current projects and the results of completed projects. From July 22 to 24, 2013 at the DAW Center, DAAD also organized a reunion of Bayreuth University alumni on the topic of project development and management, in which the center was involved as a partner.

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