University of Yaoundé I

About us

Who we are

DAW-Zentrum: crossing borders, building knowledge together

Our mission and vision

Strengthening researchers, advancing science: DAW-Zentrum's strategy for global impact

Our vision

The DAW-Zentrum envisions a future in which international research collaboration is the norm, not the exception. is the norm, not the exception. We aspire to a world where researchers from diverse have equal opportunities to contribute their expertise, shaping a more inclusive and equitable inclusive and equitable research landscape that fuels groundbreaking discoveries and benefits humanity as a whole.

Our mission

The DAW-Zentrum is driven by the mission of fostering equitable and collaborative between German and African researchers. We empower the means to co-create knowledge, dismantle power imbalances in research production power imbalances in the production of research, and address global challenges through revolutionary scientific collaboration.

Our partners

Our history

From recognition to revolution: How a scientific breakthrough sparked a global research initiative

Our story begins in 2008, with a scientific triumph. Professor David Simo's remarkable research earned him prestigious recognition, but it also gave birth to a vision. He envisioned a center that would transcend borders and foster dynamic scientific exchange between Germany and Africa. Thanks to his unstinting support, this vision has become reality: the DAW-Zentrum.

Scientific meetings organized since 2012
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Researchers recruited and placed
Publications by the center or in collaboration
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Doctoral and habilitation theses produced
Our philosophy

Towards a more equitable future: Our research philosophy

Traditional research often suffers from imbalances, with knowledge flowing mainly in one direction. DAW-Zentrum challenges this situation by fostering a collaborative environment in which researchers from all backgrounds co-create knowledge. This dismantles power imbalances and creates a richer, more inclusive research landscape that tackles global challenges with innovative solutions. Click on the button below to find out more about DAW-Zentrum's collaborative initiatives!

Our values

Guiding principles for collaborative research

Equitable partnership

We believe that all researchers, whatever their origin, deserve the same opportunities to contribute their expertise and shape research programmes. research programs.

Knowledge created in common

We advocate collaborative knowledge production where researchers with diverse perspectives work together to generate generate innovative solutions.

Mutual respect and recognition

We foster a culture of mutual respect and recognition, valuing the unique contributions of all researchers within our network.

Our objectives

Shaping a better future: Our fundamental objectives

These are our key objectives, underlining our commitment to advancing scientific progress and promoting a more equitable research landscape.

Sharing knowledge

Disseminate information on current research projects that are part of our mission.

Strengthening researchers' capabilities

Organize workshops on project development, management and scientific writing.

Promoting collaboration

Facilitate international workshops for researchers from Germany and Africa.

Adopt e-learning

Promote e-learning initiatives for knowledge accessibility.

Bridging the digital divide

Partner with universities to provide access to digital libraries.

Recognizing excellence

Award prizes and distinctions to outstanding young researchers.

Catalyzing innovation

Set up interdisciplinary research teams focused on global challenges.

Revealing the past

Collect, translate and transcribe colonial archives to widen access.

Strengthening networks

Connecting German departments and African universities for collaboration.

Areas of expertise

Research areas in which we excel

Explore our key research areas where brilliant minds are tackling global challenges.

Public health and biotechnology

Our research team

A diverse network of experts tackling global challenges together

Prof. Dr.

Message from the founder

The only way to produce knowledge about other nations and cultures, and I would add, about oneself, without reproducing or neutralizing structures of domination and deployments of power, is through scientific cooperation, which alone can enable us to move step by step out of ethnocentric positions through mutual questioning, as well as the elaboration of common categories (concepts). 

Only in this way can everyone's expectations and fears be taken into account, and knowledge freed from domination can be produced. Clearly, this is a difficult undertaking. But there is no alternative to it.